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“Addictions are rooted in distress and suffering. Dr. Peltz shows us how practicing thoughtfulness, awareness, and acceptance can bring solace, relief, and happiness without resorting to addictive solutions.”—Edward J. Khantzian, MD, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, and Associate Chief Emeritus of Psychiatry, Tewksbury Hospital

"Larry Peltz gives a unique and enlightening view of addiction and provides a very clear way to change one's destructive habits. I highly recommend it."--Sharon Salzburg, author of Lovingkindness and Real Happiness. 
 "...Dr. Peltz...presents a deep understanding of mindfulness-the kind of understanding that can only be provided by an author who has had years of personal and clinical experience with the practice. The book's blend of personal and professional insights is both instructive and inspirational, providing a path anyone struggling with addiction can follow to awaken to a freer, healthier, richer life."--Ronald D. Siegel, PsyD., author of The Mindfulness Solution: Everyday Practices for Everyday Problems. (from the Foreword)
"Powerful, pragmatic, and direct, this book is a compassionate pathway to freedom through mastery"--Saki Santorelli, EdD, MA, Executive Director, Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society, Associate Professor of Medicine,  University of Massachusetts Medical School.
"In this generous, clearly written book, Larry Peltz makes a compelling case for mindfulness practice as an antidote to addiction. It is an authoritative, nondogmatic guide through all phases of recovery, challenges to recovery, and available treatment options. Chock-ful of illuminating stories and essential mindfulness exercises, this book is a doorway to freedom for people struggling with addiction and those who love them."--Christopher Germer, PhD., author of The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion.
"A thoughtfully and beautifully written journey that guides the reader through the recovery process, integrating theory and practice of mindfulness and traditional addictions treatments. Dr. Peltz is exquisitely sensitive to the human experience; he addresses real life situations with interventions which are informed and practical. He offers acceptance of the chaotic existence of those suffering with active addiction and hope that effective intervention can support the patient regardless of their motivation to change."--Janice Kauffman, RN, MPH, Vice-President Addiction Services, North Charles Foundation Inc., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School. 
"Dr. Peltz writes with empathy and expertise about addiction, combining psychological savvy with mindfulness. The wisdom and humanity here can benefit us all".--Elana Rosenbaum, MS, LICSW, Senior Teacher, The Center for Mindfulness, University of Massachusetts Medical School and author of Here for Now, and Being Well. 
"This is really helpful and important work."--Jack Kornfield, PhD, author of A Path with Heart. 
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